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Winegrowers' talk: Champagne Arnaud Moreau

Continuing our “Chat with the producer”, we spoke with Arnaud Moreau. He is the producer of Champagne Arnaud Moreau, which owns 4 hectares Grand Cru in Bouzy, territory famous for the incredible Pinot Noir grape. Arnaud was born into a wine-growing family, but pursued his career in computer science, living outside of Champagne.

In 2007 his father, who ran the small winery producing champagnes, passed away. That was the trigger for Arnaud. He immediately thought: "I couldn't leave that, it's a family heirloom, it's my roots." And then he dropped everything and went back to Bouzy. He took over the winery and redesigned the business strategies and the house's identity. He created lower-dose champagnes with curious names from mythology. When questioning him why, he said that he was always a fan of this theme, of the Greek cosmos and heroes.

But in addition, some labels such as ODYSSÉE (50% Pinot Noir 50% Chardonnay – 0g/L) make an association of mythology with Arnaud's own personal “odyssey”. Another label that, according to him, reflects his personality is ARAKIS (70% Pinot Noir 30% Chardonnay – 0g/L) also produced in Magnum bottles, it is the name of a star in the constellation of the dragon, which refers to the oneiric universe (dreamy, fanciful ) of the producer. According to him, the choice of names and labels is related to his personality and to the aromas and notes found in each of them. Another curiosity of this producer is that although he is in a territory with about 90% Pinot Noir, he produced a champagne 100% Chardonnay Extra Brut. And he explained to us that even though the territory is more favorable for Pinot Noir, in some regions of Bouzy and Ambonnay - where their vineyards are located - the soil is incredible for Chardonnay, and with that the idea of ​​making a BdB in this region. ERYNN expresses all the purity of the Champagne grape and soil, lots of white flowers, with a low dosage of 4g/L. Unfortunately we couldn't find Champagne Aranud Moreau in Brazil, but the producer has expressed interest in our market! Who knows, we might be able to taste it here soon... In the index “Producers Sheets” you can find more details about their production, visitation information and contacts.

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