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Winegrowers' talk: Champagne Alfred Tritant

The 'Chat with the producer' project featured another conversation, with Jean-Luc and Mathilde, owners of Champagne Alfred Tritant. With around 3 hectares of vineyards in Grand Cru villas in Montagne de Reims, famous for their Pinot Noir: Bouzy and Ambonnay, Jean-Luc is a producer who follows in the footsteps of his grandfather and mother. He continued this family winery that plants, harvests and produces its champagnes with its own grapes (Récoltant-Manipulant - or Própriétaire-Récoltant - in the link we have a post that explains what these definitions are). And it produces a Bouzy Rouge – Coteaux Champenoise, a red wine produced in Champagne – we will have a post about it...). Tritant values ​​sustainability in production, and even uses the natural method of pesticide that are pheromones (we will explain shortly about this tactic that is often used in Champagne, but which is only very effective when everyone around it also uses it). He is an HVE (Haute Valeur Environnementale) certified grower, which is an ecological commitment to some rules, but without the need to be biodynamic or organic. But they told us that in addition, they are transitioning to 100% organic viticulture.

Jean-Luc Tritant at the vineyards, Pinot Noir and pupitre

Another curious fact is that Jean and Mathilde recently acquired some sheep, and during the winter they left them in the vineyards so they could “prune” the grass and weeds that the plow cannot reach. At the beginning of the sprouting, in the spring, the sheep went to another pasture so that they wouldn't eat the shoots... lol! But they say it's an interesting experience and they plan to get more soon.

Champagne Alfred Tritant only grows Pinot Noir and Chardonnay and uses malolactic fermentation in his champagnes. Despite being in a region with almost 90% Pinot Noir, they only have one BdB (100% Chardonnay) in their catalog and no Blanc de Noir...

Of course we asked why... And we discovered something new: soon they will have a BdN, 100% Pinot Noir, which they tasted during the week of our conversation and said that it is very interesting and that it shouldn't take long to be released! As for the BdB, well... They said that the cellar chef at the base wine tastings was very delighted with the Chardonnay options and decided to make a blend only with the wines of this grape, without much explanation... After all, even in the Champagne regions where we have a majority of a certain type of strain, that doesn't mean you can't produce amazing base wines from minority grapes there. Alfred Tritant does not sell his champagnes to Brazil, but they ship abroad by means of direct purchase through the contacts we have at 'Producer Sheets' be sure to check it out! In this sheet we also leave other details of production and visits!

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