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  • Writer's picturePlop Champagne

Pruning Season

To maintain excellence in the quality of its wines, the CIVC (Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne) maintains several regulations on vineyard management, cellar interventions, among others. One of these rules includes an important detail, which occurs almost all winter (also covering late autumn and early spring), between November and mid-April (each producer chooses the best dates): pruning and tying the vines – called pruning in English, or la taille in French. This fundamental Process prepares the vines for the crucial moment they will face: the birth of the buds, which occurs with the awakening of spring... the first to show its small buds is usually Chardonnay (which on the other hand is usually the last to reach the ideal maturity for harvest...) And with this moment of “pruning and tying up” happening now in Champagne, we decided to explain a little here about the types of pruning allowed in the region and which ones are ideal for certain strains of grapes. § Cordon de Royat: Widely used for Pinot Noir – optimizes the balance of leaves and fruits § Chablis: Widely used for Chardonnay, spread twigs, potential for more buds

§ Guyot: The most basic, can be used for all strains – can be single or double § Vallée de Marne: Exclusively for Meunier and favors fruit production (yield)

CIVC has a very educational video on Champange pruning, which can be accessed at the following link -

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