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  • Writer's pictureLuiz Bernardes

Champagne Frost

The frosts in the Champagne region in the spring are not something very unusual... In fact, it is an event that takes place in several years, which is due to the influence of the latitude of the region.

Champagne is located in the northernmost region of France, located between parallels 49 and 49.5, which results in a cold and harsh climate. The continental influence makes the region's winter more rigorous, and the maritime influence results in this event that we are witnessing: the atypical frosts in spring.

These frosts are dangerous for crop yields, as it is precisely at this time of year that sprouting is starting, an essential phase to define what the year's harvest will be like. Producers have some tricks to minimize the effects of these weather conditions, such as the use of large fans to prevent ice from settling on the vines, and the use of fire torches throughout the plantation.

Pictures: Champagne Palmer, Champagne La Borderie and Champagne Louis Roederer

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